Curves and trees

Curves and trees

Yesterday we had the first critical situation. When planning the trip we didn’t take into account that days are shorter than in summer. So we recognized that the two longer sections that we planned for today are not convenient. We decided to skip Death Valley and reverse the following sections.

The first part today was the way through the Sequoia Park. Again this was a very curvy passage, but with great views of big trees. One of them is the biggest tree in the world (in terms of volume): The General Sherman Tree.

The biggest tree in the world: The General Sherman
The biggest tree in the world: The General Sherman

Like yesterday the driving was stressful because of icy spots everywhere. It is a difference if your car gets on ice in a flat area or up high in the hills where no guardrails are fixed at the border of the street.
When driving down we recognized the dryness of the whole area of California for example at a lake that is quite complete without water.

Dry lake - normal level is the line where land turns dark from bright
Dry lake – normal level is the line where land turns dark from bright

After leaving Sequoia we took freeways and highways to Needles which is our starting point for tomorrow. Today we have driven 450 miles.

Our greatest distance was 450 miles through Sequoia park and to Needles
Our greatest distance was 450 miles through Sequoia park and to Needles



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